Why I Unfollowed You

‘Cause I may have. I ran across this article yesterday and it was so timely. I’d just that morning unfollowed a lot, and I mean a lot, of people on Twitter. Not because I’m a bitch (well, not only because I’m a bitch,) but because I was getting...

One Week From Today…

I’m leaving for READERCON! In case you’re wondering, I’m slightly excited. It’s all R.B. Wood’s fault, he talked me into it. I know there are many other fine writers going. Are you one of them? Where are we meeting for...

Building a Blog Tour – Guest Post by Jeff Bennington

There are a lot of ways to build an author platform nowadays. You can Tweet, facebook, blog and advertise, but nothing seems to make your presence known in literary circles faster than a blog tour. What’s a blog tour?  A blog tour is an opportunity for an author to...