…not our sponsors–we don’t have any, though that would be nice–but a message from me. A message is:


What a year it’s been for me, writing, meeting other writers, making friends and discovering invaluable crit partners. But one of the best things has been the weekly 5MinuteFiction challenge every week. You guys make my day every Tuesday. So thank you, for all you do, and for sharing your incredible talents with us.

This week, being vacations and all that stuff, 5MinuteFiction’s taking a vacation but will be back the first Tuesday of 2011. I hope whatever you’re doing is way too much fun to miss five minutes of anxiety-filled rapid-writing. 🙂

But get back here January 4th and ring in the new year with a fun-filled 5MinuteFiction! If you’ve been watching but haven’t tried it yet, that’s a great opportunity to throw your hat in the ring. Just Do It!

Until then, have a great 2010, and see you next year!