This is horrid and what you’ve done here is stupid.
Or something like that. Otherwise known as getting revisions back from your editor.
I love getting stuff from my editor. Really, I do. I can weather the crushing depression and the ego-killing “ummmm, duh” things she points out in the margins, because, really, what she’s saying is: I know you can do better, and your book is worth the effort. (OK, and maybe I’ve taken dramatic license with her very professional and diplomatic comments…)
When I accept a pageful of her changes, just the shuffling around of my own words, replacing a “that” with a “which” or such seemingly (oh, and culling my adverbs) minor things, the end result is SO MUCH BETTER.
And let me tell you, I live for the occasional comment bubble that highlights a sentence or phrase I’ve written and simply says “yes.”
I swear, the experience of having a good editor is nearly worth, in itself, all the effort of writing.
Oh, my editor takes freelance jobs too, in case you want in on the nirvana: Gabrielle Edits
– I want that coffee cup . . . or one that says, “Why do you think that?”
A good editor is worth their weight in gold. You are very lucky. 🙂
LOL! I love that. I’ve been dying for a t-shirt that says “Your Stupid”
– nice.
I totally agree–a good editor helps make a good book great.
Joe recently posted..Hooray for Copyeditors!
Editing is where it’s at. Such a hard job to do well, so needed in so much fiction, mags and websites.
I’ve always wanted a coffee mug that says, “Well, what did you THINK was going to happen?”
j. //
Jason McIntyre recently posted..In The Dark – Whats In A Name
Thank you for posting the link to her blog. Already got some useful things out of it.
Enlightening! You’re very lucky with such an editor, 🙂
My laptop had a block, I went out and posted something on my own blog. When I restarted this one and visited your page, I find it full of comments. Again, I have to repeat, you’re lucky to have such good friends, 🙂
yup. I hear ya.
thea atkinson recently posted..Gayle Carline @geecarl guest blogs at GonzoInk
Stuart, I’m glad you got something out of it.
For some reason my account never notified me of comments to this post today. So here I’ve been thinking it was a dud. 😉 I knew I couldn’t be the only one to realize the beautiful synergy that is finding the right editor.
Leah Petersen recently posted..Shall We Brainstorm