I finally broke down and bought the shirt I’ve been wanting for years.
I’ve refrained for so long because
a) I’m cheap and the shirt isn’t
b) I’m a mother and, apparently, am supposed to be setting a good example.
Now, personally, I think it’s setting a good example to teach your children WHY this is a funny joke and not the grown-up equivalent of “stupidhead!” Anyway, my ten year old gets the joke now but still thinks it’s rude.
Well, can’t win them all. I just won’t wear it when he’s with me. 🙂
Heh – I have one somewhere that says ‘You are dumb’ in binary.
Geeky Traveler recently posted..Strange things before the sun comes up
I have on that says “Bad grammar makes me [sic]” that I have worn out. 🙂 I like your taste in shirts. 🙂
Corinne OFlynn recently posted..Derailed- A Thursday Haiku
LMAO! I love those! I’ve been tempted by the one that says “May the mass times acceleration be with you” and “I grok Spock.”
Your an inspiration to me.
Moses Siregar III recently posted..Win a Free Kindle 3- Nook- or 100 Gift Card! Free Epic Fantasy Ebook- Charitable Giveaway
I wore the shirt yesterday. So much fun.