With a clear lead from the beginning we have, this week’s winner, Aden, @adenpenn!
Nice, scary stuff, there. Gotta love a good shiver on a Tuesday afternoon.
Congrats Aden!
And as a SURPRISE prize (like that?) for our winner, Aden gets a free copy of our guest judge, Jeff Bennington’s, (@TweetTheBook), new novel Reunion.
Here’s her winning entry. Enjoy and be back next week and join in!
It was so strange to see the high school empty and dark. There was a certain creepy vibe that seemed to float around the place like a fog. Even my sneaker covered feet made a hollow sound as I moved down the hallway. Just yesterday the place was filled with chatty, happy and energetic students. Now it was a crime scene, and it changed the building so drastically.
I needed to find the gym, which was easier than I thought. It was easy to get lost in places like this, but I could hear voices, hushed and frantic. They lead me right to the place. I paused in the doorway though, because I could smell blood. It made my nose twitch, and I felt a pulling in my brain. Grasping the doorframe to steady myself, I cleared my mind and took one step into the gym.
It came all at once, in a giant force of rage and fear. I could see the large man, holding what I think was a tire iron. I watched him raise it, bringing it down onto someone’s body, onto someone’s head. I could see the man clearly, I was watching his rage filled face, getting splattered with blood as he brought the tire iron down again and again. It only took one step to see this, and I wanted to run from the building. Instead I fell to my knees, and left my breakfast all over the floor. It had been a long time since a vision had made me throw up.
Social Media Madness!