Congrats to Allison Mosier, @Slytherin_Pixie this week’s 5MinuteFiction WINNER! I love stories like this one, a new spin on a fairy tale. It’s even cooler that she was able to do so in such a short space. Love it. Congrats Allison!
Here’s her winning entry for you to enjoy!
She’d always loved lilies. But the fairy tale would remember it as an apple.
She was completely unsuspecting as she took the flower the old woman offered. Erica ran her fingertips along the petals before putting it to her nose to inhale the fragrance. That was when she knew something was wrong, when the scent wasn’t quite right. She looked down at the quickly shriveling flower before her legs gave out under her, sending her to the ground. The crone stood over her as her breath stilled, eyes went dim. She heard some sort of taunt about true love’s kiss, but what did it matter?
Who cares about true love when you’re dead?
Great post..Looking forward to read this book..Thank you for sharing..