It’s almost here! The release of my sci-fi novel, Fighting Gravity!
Are you one of those darling people who review books for the wonderful readers of the world? Would you like to have a go at Fighting Gravity?
Well it’s ready for you.
In fact, if you’re reading this the day it posts, I’m on my way up to Toronto for Ad Astra con and Dragon Moon Press‘s double launch party for my FIGHTING GRAVITY, and for Marie Bilodeau’s DESTINY’S FALL.
Anyway, check out Fighting Gravity on Goodreads to see what advance readers think so far. Better yet, if you’re a book blogger or reviewer, contact me for a free review copy!
I just bought it…will read it soon! I should check out the party…I’m in Toronto. Is there a link to the information about the launch?
I’d have invited you already, Jill, but you have to be attending the convention to go to the party. 🙁
Snob!! Lol I was looking at the site and saw that. Also saw they have some open hours on Saturday afternoon…I should try and visit. I’m not sure though, since Adam will be working and I’ll have both kids.
Well I would LOVE to see you. I’m on panels from 12-1 and 5-6 on Sat but if you can make it over when I’m free we’ll definitely have to meet up.