Not too very long ago I was just a blissful reader, never even dreaming of one day being a published author myself. And when I’d encounter a book I loved I’d just gush about it and tell all my friends and I’d just be glowing for days about how wonderful that book was.

You know what I didn’t do? Tell the author.

Me? Email or tweet or submit a comment to the author through their website? Oh well they must be so busy and important and wouldn’t want me spamming their inbox just to say I loved their book. Surely they already know that. I bought it, didn’t I? Sometimes I’d even written a nice review.

Well let me tell you now, every time someone tells me they enjoyed my book, every single time, it gives me a little glow of happiness and is honestly more important to me than whatever royalties I might have gotten from their one purchase. I’m not sure there’d ever be any amount of positive reader feedback I could get that would make me start to see those emails or tweets as spam. That’s not spam. That’s WONDERFUL!

So email that author, tweet them with an @message, post on their Facebook author page, comment on their blog. Most don’t make it hard to contact them. I promise, they’ll be so happy you did.

Here’s where you can find me besides this blog:

Contact info: email address



