I won’t pretend this was an unwelcome surprise, in fact, it’s very nice to see that I’m not alone in the exciting new world of (alleged) trademark infringement and a general sense of “huh?” in response to this fun situation:
Read more about it from boingboing here.
And then The Passive Voice addressed it as well:
An Author Receives a Cease and Desist Letter
But all that excitement aside, there’s still a blog tour going on, and here’s the weekly roundup:
Several official blog tour stops this week, plus a guest post on my editor’s blog.
Guest post on Logikal Blog: Why All Writers are Secretly (or not so much) Schizophrenics
Guest post on Kool Queer Lit: Why My Boys are Gay
Interview on Have Novel, Will Edit
Guest post on Lindsay’s Scribblings: Fleshing Out Your Characters
Interview on Francesca’s Mindstream
And a random stop:
On Gabrielle Edits, my editor, Gabrielle Harbowy, let me post on hiring a manager for your blog tour.