Got it! Here’s where I’ll be at Ad Astra Con. Stop by and check out these great panels–and the PARTY–if you get a chance.
Time | Room | What |
Friday 9 – ? | Suite 1401 | CASCADE EFFECT Launch Party! |
Sunday 12 pm | Beaufort East | Science of Science Fiction |
Sunday 1 pm | Franklin | Things Your Editor Needs to Know |
Sunday 2 pm | Arctic | Save The Cat: Writing Has Rules |
It looks like I’m free all day on Saturday, which means I’ll likely have my butt glued to a chair at the Dragon Moon Press table in the dealer’s room, so stop by to say hi. But I bet they’ll let me up for water breaks, so maybe I’ll catch some of the other panels as well.
See you there. Oh, and don’t miss the PARTY! It’s being hosted by Futurecon and it’s shaping up to be a blast! I’ll have more details soon, but there’s going to be a great live band, among other things. And the Futurecon folks are fantastic and help support great causes. So check them out too.
Social Media Madness!