Than by drinking and having a party!!
In all seriousness, what better way to celebrate a new book than by drinking and having a party? Am I right? Or to celebrate the fact that books exist at all!
If you’re a teetotaler, don’t feel left out. Any beverage works, and you can party with us in spirit. To celebrate the Cascade Effect Launch, hosted by Futurecon, Good Times for Good Causes, we’re going to have lots of fun with Booze and a Book!
The kickoff day forĀ Booze and a Book is Friday, April 5, 2013.
Starting that day, and through the weekend, post a picture on our subreddit of yourself (or a friend) with a book and a beverage. If you’re camera shy, post a short description.
The post with the most upvotes by Tuesday April 9 at 8:00 EST will win books and booze!
(Well, a $25 Amazon gift card and a $25 Visa gift card, because no way are we going to jail for alcohol trafficking or sending alcohol to a minor on the internet who told us he was 35.)
Follow the hashtag on Twitter #boozeandabookday, or join us on reddit.
Social Media Madness!