Want An Agent? Here They Are!

It’s time for that lovely thing, the third annual Baker’s Dozen Agent Auction over on Miss Snark’s First Victim! Have you seen this lineup? Amy Boggs, Donald Maass Danielle Chiotti, Upstart Crow Josh Getzler, Hannigan Salky GetzlerĀ  Weronika Janczuk,...

Interview on Grasping for the Wind

The lovely Bryan Thomas Schmidt of #sffwrtcht interviewed me recently. You’ll find it up today on Grasping for the Wind. Here’s the interview. (PS. While you’re there, give your congrats to site owner, John Ottinger & his wife, proud new parents...

The Next Big Thing! – Author Edition

So, I was tagged to do this “The Next Big Thing” meme, by one of my favorite author people, J.M. Frey. The way it works, I tag five other authors in turn to participate by answering the questions below. Naturally, I tagged the following authors: R.B. Wood...

Meet an Authoress’s Success Story: Monica Bustamante Wagner!

Welcome to what will hopefully be the first of the Annual Authoress’s Success Story blog tours! Those of us who have owed our publishing successes, at least in part, to the Miss Snark’s First Victim contests and blog have decided to come together and help...