Your Punctuation Personality Type

In honor of National Punctuation Day, I give you the Punctuation Personality Type. This was originally a guest post on the blog of author Brian Thomas Schmidt. Find Your Punctuation Personalty Type A recent (totally made up) scientific study analyzed what your...

Grammatical Error Personality Type

As a follow up to last week’s wildly popular Your Punctuation Personality Type, a post Bryan Thomas Schmidt, @BryanThomasS hosted on his blog, we’ve dug through the (imaginary) research archives for similar studies.  Not only is English the most widely spoken language...

Why All Writers are Secretly (or not so much) Schizophrenics

They’re trying to hide it, with varying levels of success, but, as you suspected, writers are all, in fact, closet schizophrenics. Let’s look at the definition of schizophrenia, from that renowned, infallible bastion of knowledge, Wikipedia: A person diagnosed with...

Your Stupid

I finally broke down and bought the shirt I’ve been wanting for years. I’ve refrained for so long because a) I’m cheap and the shirt isn’t b) I’m a mother and, apparently, am supposed to be setting a good example. Now, personally, I think...