#5MinuteInterview with Bryan Thomas Schmidt, @BryanThomasS

Welcome back to a little thing I like to call the 5MinuteInterview! Today’s guest is Bryan Thomas Schmidt, @BryanThomasS. He’s visited here before and he’s a lovely man that I’m happy to have here any time. He’s on a blog tour just now...

Does It Matter WHY They Buy Your Book?

The whole latest-writer-wearing-an-asshat-having-a-mental-breakdown-on-the-internet has been covered ad nauseum by better people than me, so I’m not going there. (Chuck Wendig’s was the first I found, and his posts are always worth the read.) But...

The Prodigal’s Foole RE-RELEASE Day!

Welcome again to my good friend, R.B. Wood, who is celebrating the re-release of his debut novel, The Prodigal’s Foole. As part of the re-launch, I’ve invited him to guest post here today. I love good stories. I have a vague recollection of my mother’s...

Review: Red by Kait Nolan

Red by Kait Nolan My rating: 5 of 5 stars The premise of this one so intrigued me that I picked it up, even though I’ve been feeling a bit glutted with YA books lately. I’m glad I didn’t pass it up. YA heroines often leave me feeling empty, as if...

#5MinuteFiction Week 76 #NaNoWriMo Edition!

What is 5MinuteFiction, you say? It’s an adrenaline-fueled, instant-gratification sort of writing contest. Sound fun? Great! Get in there and get dirty! The Rules * You get five minutes to write a piece of prose or poetry in any style or genre * You must...