Excitement’s Over and Thank You, Internet

Wow, what a week! So all the brouhaha that started with a Cease and Desist letter I got Wednesday seems to have come to a satisfactory conclusion. As other authors began to hear about it, they got a smidge riled up over the whole thing and suddenly it seemed to be...

Why I Unfollowed You

‘Cause I may have. I ran across this article yesterday and it was so timely. I’d just that morning unfollowed a lot, and I mean a lot, of people on Twitter. Not because I’m a bitch (well, not only because I’m a bitch,) but because I was getting...

#5MinuteFiction Week 58 FINALISTS!

Oh my, I’ve had one of those my-head-is-about-to-explode days.  I can’t wait to get home and soothe it with some 5MinuteFiction. (And maybe a beer.) Did you have fun today? I hear there were some great entries, at least, that’s what BigAl,...