The Next Big Thing! – Author Edition

So, I was tagged to do this “The Next Big Thing” meme, by one of my favorite author people, J.M. Frey. The way it works, I tag five other authors in turn to participate by answering the questions below. Naturally, I tagged the following authors: R.B. Wood...

#Readercon 23, And Yes, I Came Back

Yeah, I kinda fell off the radar after Readercon, didn’t I? Well, this has been the craziest few weeks for me, so busy that I seriously considered skipping Readercon this year. I am SO GLAD I didn’t. Once again I got to stay with my great friend and fellow...

I’m Not Here. I’m at #Readercon!

As we speak I am flying off into the great beyond, or Boston, for Readercon. It’s a great con, you should check it out. So I’m off, doin’ the writer thing. See you next week!

Excitement’s Over and Thank You, Internet

Wow, what a week! So all the brouhaha that started with a Cease and Desist letter I got Wednesday seems to have come to a satisfactory conclusion. As other authors began to hear about it, they got a smidge riled up over the whole thing and suddenly it seemed to be...

The Prodigal’s Foole RE-RELEASE Day!

Welcome again to my good friend, R.B. Wood, who is celebrating the re-release of his debut novel, The Prodigal’s Foole. As part of the re-launch, I’ve invited him to guest post here today. I love good stories. I have a vague recollection of my mother’s...