It’s My Turn!

  I’ll be the interviewee on the popular #sffwrtcht this Wednesday at 9:00 PM EST. That’s right, folks, it’s ME! No kidding. I know, me too. I’m really nervous too. You going to be there to support me?

Does It Matter WHY They Buy Your Book?

The whole latest-writer-wearing-an-asshat-having-a-mental-breakdown-on-the-internet has been covered ad nauseum by better people than me, so I’m not going there. (Chuck Wendig’s was the first I found, and his posts are always worth the read.) But...

I Have No Words

Mostly ’cause I’ve used them all up. WOW! Who knew all this writing stuff was so hard! I mean, the writing’s hard, sure, but it’s the being a writer thing that’s kicking my tail these days. I’ve got a fantastic, fun, FIGHTING...

Karma, Solidarity, and the Bad Part of the Review I Wrote for You

This topic has been brewing in my brain for a while now. A while back Roni Loren wrote a blog post called Book Review Debate in which she explained why she didn’t write bad reviews for books and why maybe other authors should consider not doing so either. There...