Meet an Authoress’s Success Story: Monica Bustamante Wagner!

Welcome to what will hopefully be the first of the Annual Authoress’s Success Story blog tours! Those of us who have owed our publishing successes, at least in part, to the Miss Snark’s First Victim contests and blog have decided to come together and help...

Authoress’s Success Story Blog Tour

Plagiarized, with permission, from J.M. Frey @scifrey, who put so much work into setting this up for us. Thank you! Guess what? We’re just about to begin what will hopefully be the first of the Annual Authoress’s Success Story blog tours! Authoress Anonymous has built...

#Sffwrtcht Was Fun!

Well, I was nervous, and then I suppose I coped with that by forgetting all about the chat until the moderator emailed me a reminder that afternoon. Yikes! But it worked out anyway. I had a great time with the live Twitter interview. There were a lot of great...

It’s My Turn!

  I’ll be the interviewee on the popular #sffwrtcht this Wednesday at 9:00 PM EST. That’s right, folks, it’s ME! No kidding. I know, me too. I’m really nervous too. You going to be there to support me?

Does It Matter WHY They Buy Your Book?

The whole latest-writer-wearing-an-asshat-having-a-mental-breakdown-on-the-internet has been covered ad nauseum by better people than me, so I’m not going there. (Chuck Wendig’s was the first I found, and his posts are always worth the read.) But...